Schlagwort-Archive: Europe
Wacky-Walking: 14th leg from Heimbuchenthal to Stockstadt am Main
I started in that beautiful Spessart-village of Heimbuchenthal and I had to climb up pretty fast to about 400 m of altitude. Then the walk took me step-by-step down until I left the Spessart and reached the Main Valley. This … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein
Verschlagwortet mit #wackyWalking, #WackyWeg, Bavaria, Europe, Francfort, Frankfurt, Hiking, Laufen, München, Munich, travel, Wacky-Walking
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Meeting like diplomats in the Board Room
Sometimes we get the chance to get a glimpse of what the world is like in those areas where the big decisions are made. During this Rotarian year 2014/15, I have the great honor to serve on the Rotaract/Interact-Committee of … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter English, Well, you know
Verschlagwortet mit Asia, Australia, Chicago, Europe, international, Meeting, North America, Rotaract, Rotary, South America, USA
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