Wacky-Walking: 1st leg from Munich to Hattenhofen

The weather had cleared over night and in the morning it was sunny and around 15° when I started walking from my parents‘ house in Pasing.

It was interesting to walk the paths of my childhood packed with a big backpack and dressed like a wanderer. Mostly on concrete roads I came through Westkreuz and Aubing and walked along the train tracks towards Puchheim.

At one point, the whole path was still under water and when jumping too short at some paddles, I was positively surprised by the water-repellent characteristics of my hiking pants. 😎

Around Munich, the landscape is fairly flat and so I only had one little elevation to overcome before Fürstenfeldbruck. I left the town towards the Pucher Meer (Ocean of Puch) and it felt a little out of place to walk with my „luggage“ along this pond where people came to swim.

Finally, I reached Mammendorf, the terminal stop of the Munich suburban train system and went one town further west to Hattenhofen to stay at a very comfortable, very Upper-Bavaria-typical hotel.

My highlights of the day:

  • First talk with people you meet by chance: an older man near Westkreuz who wished me luck and joked that he would check if I‘d take a suburban train.
  • How well the pants protected against water
  • The wonderful feeling of arriving at your destination – and getting a Kaiserschmarrn there!


  • 32,2 kilometers
  • 6:41 hours
  • 160 meters uphill and 140 meters downhill
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